I’m Zhu — I elevate products through human-centered design & business thinking.

Product Design Internship @Yirental

Launching apartment rental listings and services for renters and partners

Responsive Web ·  iOS App ·  To C ·  To B

With the mission of revenue growth, I took advantage of individual user resources to attract potential business partners by building renters' communities.

SCADpro Collaboration @Deloitte

Building a leave management system for employees and the leaves team

Responsive Web ·  To B

Facing the challenge of digitalizing and simplifying the long-existed complicated processes for a large company, we reversed the typical design process.

UX Internship @Joinn

Creating the back-end dashboard for social group owners

Website ·  To C

I created the first-ever back-end management dashboard for the job seeker's community, from information architecture to hi-fi wireframes.

Life first. Things second.

© 2024 Zhu with 🍉